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Igniting the future of business education

Cox School of Business

In 2020, 新大考克斯商学院通过开创创新和影响的新时代来庆祝商科教育百年. 学校已经从一个只有两名学生的教室发展成为国际公认的领导者培训基地, 影响者和问题解决者在全球范围内推动经济发展. 与充满活力的北德州商界合作, Cox School has made a measurable impact on education, business development, intellectual capital, our community and the world. With the help of supporters like you, 我们将继续推动商业教育的未来,并为子孙后代赋予野马的创业精神.

SMU Fund for Cox

新大考克斯基金的捐赠解决了学校最紧迫的资金优先事项. Allocated at the discretion of the dean, 这笔资金使考克斯学院能够迎接新机遇的出现. Funding priorities include scholarship support, faculty fellowship and research grants, international study and research support, 新项目开发和领导力发展机会.



Building for the next generation of leaders

考克斯学院雄心勃勃的设施改造和扩建项目正在稳步推进,预计将于2024年5月完工. Through these spaces, the Cox School will inspire students, 欢迎参观者,并推广新的方式来处理独特的机会和发人深省的挑战. 多亏了捐助者富有远见的慷慨解囊, 该项目已经筹集了超过1.14亿美元,目标是1.4亿美元.

Scholarships empower outstanding students

奖学金通过帮助考克斯招募和留住将在商业教育环境中脱颖而出的高素质学生来增强野马队的实力. As competition increases both locally and nationally, 奖学金有助于缩小范围,并最终在学生选择大学时发挥作用.

Make an impact

Gifts of any amount


Capital gift

参与工厂设施改造和扩建项目. 了解有关项目和可用命名机会的更多信息.

Endowed scholarship

A $125,000 gift or pledge establishes a $100,000 endowed, 命名为部分学费研究生奖学金,并提供25美元,000 for immediate scholarship awards. When fully funded, 指定捐赠基金可支出收入的预计估计数约为4美元,500 per year. Endowments last in perpetuity.

Annual scholarship

$40,000 one-time gift, or $10,000 per year for four years, 支持一名工商管理硕士或两名工商管理硕士四年. 是否可指定在本学年使用.


As the premier private university in North Texas, 新大的存在是为了塑造未来的领导者,他们通过独创性和深思熟虑的解决问题来改变社区和组织. 在我们卓越的历史基础上,我们推出了 SMU Ignited: Boldly Shaping Tomorrow – our multiyear, $1.50亿美元的活动,以吸引和支持优秀的学生和教师, to explore new fields and cutting-edge technologies, 并积极影响达拉斯和整个世界. We invite you to join us and empower the bold, 有好奇心和创造力的人来改善他们的职业和社区.

Blaze a new path
Ashley Pitts
Director of Development
Cox School of Business or 214-768-4988